Les funérailles de Victor Hugo, place de l’Étoile (1er juin 1885) (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Jean Béraud's evocative painting, "Les funérailles de Victor Hugo, place de l’Étoile (1er juin 1885)," captures a pivotal moment in French history — the state funeral of one of its greatest literary figures, Victor Hugo. The scene takes place at Place de l’Étoile, known today as Place Charles de Gaulle, showcasing the solemn and grand gathering around the Arc de Triomphe, a prominent Parisian landmark symbolizing national pride and heroism.In this masterful work, Béraud didn't just document an event; he provided viewers with a panoramic experience of the occasion. The painting is rich with details of the densely packed crowd, which included common folk, dignitaries, and military personnel, all united in mourning and admiration. The environment is animated yet reverential, capturing the public's deep respect for Hugo.The central focus of the composition might be missed at a casual glance — not on the coffin or an overt display of grief, but rather on the diverse crowd participating in this historic farewell. Soldiers in their dress uniforms add a formal touch, while the presence of painters furiously capturing the scene adds a meta-artistic layer, reminding us of the impact of the moment not just in political and social spheres but also within the arts.Béraud's use of light and shadow, combined with vivid brush strokes, enhances the emotional depth of the scene. The mourning is palpable but so is the communal spirit, indicative of Hugo’s unifying presence in French culture.


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Jean Béraud was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.