Wine Jug and Glass (1916)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Wine Jug and Glass" is an intriguing artwork by the renowned Cubist artist Juan Gris, created in 1916. This painting captures the essence of Cubism, a movement known for breaking objects into abstract forms and reassembling them in a multifaceted manner, showing multiple viewpoints simultaneously. Gris's composition focuses on everyday objects—a wine jug and a glass—rendered in a palette of muted browns, beiges, whites, and grays, punctuated by deep blacks that add depth and contrast.The painting showcases Gris's masterful use of sharp angles and overlapping planes to create a sense of three-dimensionality on a flat canvas. The various elements in the artwork, including the jug and the glass, are deconstructed and intersect with geometric precision, allowing viewers to experience the objects in a novel and dynamic way. Textural details on the tablecloth add a tactile element to the painting, while the dark background provides a stark backdrop that makes the central figures pop, enhancing their form and volume.Juan Gris's "Wine Jug and Glass" is an exemplary work that brilliantly demonstrates the Cubist technique of dissecting and reassembling forms to challenge traditional perceptions of space and structure.


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José Victoriano (Carmelo Carlos) González-Pérez, better known as Juan Gris, was a Spanish painter born in Madrid who lived and worked in France for most of his active period. Closely connected to the innovative artistic genre Cubism, his works are among the movement's most distinctive.