Summit of the Sierras, Nevada (ca. 1876)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Summit of the Sierras, Nevada" by Thomas Moran is a breathtaking 1876 painting that captures the rugged beauty of the Sierra Nevada mountains. In this masterful work, Moran showcases a vast and rugged landscape draped in the soft, glistening glow of snow. Majestic peaks touch the sky, surrounded by clouds that dance around their summits in a celebration of nature's splendor.Moran's brushwork expertly conveys the textures of rock and snow, creating a dynamic contrast between the starkness of the cragged mountains and the softness of the clouds. A lone, weathered pine tree, clinging to the edge of a cliff in the painting's foreground, serves as a poignant testament to the resilience of life in harsh conditions. Rocks and boulders scattered around the tree add to the scene's raw, untamed feel.This image invites the viewer to contemplate the silence and scale of nature, evoking a sense of both wonder and introspection.


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Thomas Moran was an American painter and printmaker of the Hudson School in New York whose work often featured the Rocky Mountains. Moran and his family, wife Mary Nimmo Moran and daughter Ruth, settled in New York, where he began his career as an artist.