Evening, The Jetty at Vlissingen (1898)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Paul Signac, a master of neo-impressionism and a devout follower of the pointillist technique pioneered by Georges Seurat, vividly captures the tranquil ambiance of a seaside setting in his painting "Evening, The Jetty at Vlissingen." Created in 1898, this artwork exemplifies Signac’s skillful use of color and light to depict a serene maritime scene.In "Evening, The Jetty at Vlissingen," Signac portrays a bustling yet peaceful moment at the bustling port of Vlissingen. The composition is centered around the busy jetty, dotted with various sailing boats and vessels, each meticulously highlighted with individualistic sails that catch the cooling hues of the evening sky. The background features a distant ship with grand sails proudly billowing, suggesting a breeze that adds a sense of movement through the still waters. On the right, the robust structure of the jetty itself stretches into the sea, marked by a dark, imposing lighthouse that stands as a sentinel watching over the calm waters.The painting’s use of gentle pinks, soft blues, and subtle touches of warm oranges and yellows intuitively communicates the time of day, suggesting the lingering light of sunset casting its glow over the horizon. The delicate application of color, achieved through numerous small dots, not only exemplifies the pointillist technique but also effectively portrays the shimmering reflections on the water's surface, enhancing the overall peacefulness of the scene.


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Paul Signac (1863-1935) was a French Neo-Impressionist painter. Together with Georges Seurat, Signac developed the Pointillism style. He was a passionate sailor, bringing back watercolor sketches of ports and nature from his travels, then turning them into large studio canvases with mosaic-like squares of color. He abandoned the short brushstrokes and intuitive dabs of color of the impressionists for a more exact scientific approach to applying dots with the intention to combine and blend not on the canvas, but in the viewer's eye.