Campo dei Frari, Venice (c. 1880)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the serene beauty of John Singer Sargent's "Campo dei Frari, Venice" (c. 1880), a masterful watercolor that captures the timeless allure of Venice with a refreshing spontaneity. In this picturesque scene, Sargent portrays the bustling Campo dei Frari, set against the majestic backdrop of the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.The painting is cloaked in soft, earthy tones that evoke the warmth of a fading day. Sargent's fluid brush strokes bring to life various figures that populate the square, each rendered with the artist's characteristic loose yet precise touch. A central figure in vibrant attire is seen beside a playful child, adding a touch of everyday humanity to this historic site. Small groups of figures are depicted in various activities near the grand entrance of the basilica, suggesting the lively yet routine nature of the space.The architecture of the basilica itself is an integral part of this composition. Its grandeur is subtly portrayed through washed, muted colors that highlight its ornate facade and towering structure. Sargent's skillful use of light and shadow enhances the depth and texture, making the edifice appear both imposing and inviting."Campo dei Frari, Venice" is more than just a geographical portrayal; it is a moment of life captured with emotional depth and artistic sensitivity. This piece not only showcases Sargent's mastery of watercolor but also his ability to convey the ethereal charm of Venice through his unique, impressionistic lens.


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Born in Florence to American expatriate parents, John Singer Sargent (1856–1925) is considered Europe's leading portrait painter of the Edwardian era. He was educated at both Accademia delle Belle Arti and Paris's École des Beaux Arts. While in Paris, under the guidance of Émile–Auguste Carolus–Duran, a portraitist and muralist, Sargent learned to paint directly from observation without first sketching, employing a fluidity, influenced by the Impressionists. Sargent created more than 2,900 paintings, mainly portraits and landscapes from his travels across the Atlantic, Europe, the Middle East and America.