Madame Cézanne (1886-1889)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Madame Cézanne" (1886-1889), by the French Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne, is a compelling study of the artist's wife, Hortense Fiquet. The work showcased on our page captures the delicate intimacy and emotional depth that Cézanne famously infused into his portraits. Unlike his colorful paintings, this sketch is rendered in pencil, revealing the artist’s skilled hand and keen observational eye.The drawing displays Hortense's face in an unusual perspective, tilted and upward-facing, which creates a sense of closeness between the viewer and the subject. Her features are softly sketched, yet they convey a rich expression that seems contemplative and serene. The strokes are loose yet deliberate, suggesting the contours of her face, her relaxed eyes, and lips slightly parted as if caught in a quiet moment.Paul Cézanne’s portraits of his wife are renowned for their psychological complexity and technical mastery. "Madame Cézanne" is no exception, providing insight not only into his artistic practice but also into the personal life of one of the most influential artists of the 19th century. This piece invites viewers to ponder the serene expression, possibly reflecting moments of domestic life that were intimate and personal to the artist.


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Paul Cézanne was a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th-century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.