Portrait of Don Ramón Satué (1823)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the enthralling art piece "Portrait of Don Ramón Satué," painted by the distinguished Spanish master Francisco de Goya in 1823, we are presented with a richly detailed portrayal that elegantly captures the essence of its subject. The painting, an exemplar of fine portraiture, presents Don Ramón Satué, an official of the court of Ferdinand VII.In this portrait, Goya has skillfully depicted Don Ramón with remarkable realism. His figure emerges from a dark, subdued background, bringing a focused intensity to the subject. The sitter’s countenance, marked by a serious expression, conveys a depth of character that is both enigmatic and engaging. The eyes, slightly downcast, seem lost in thought, adding a contemplative air to the portrait.Goya’s mastery is evident in the tactile quality of the textures—the velvety black of Don Ramón’s robe contrasted with the sharp red of his sash and the soft white of his shirt. These details are not just visually striking but also serve to highlight the status and personality of the sitter.This portrait is a fine demonstration of Goya's adeptness with the brush, showcasing his ability to communicate not just the physical likeness but also the inner life of his subjects.


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Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. His paintings, drawings, and engravings reflected contemporary historical upheavals and influenced important 19th- and 20th-century painters. Goya is often referred to as the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns.