Erdbeben (around 1922)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Karl Wiener's striking creation, "Erdbeben" (Earthquake), vividly captures the intensity and chaos of an urban catastrophe. This woodcut print, made around 1922, showcases Wiener’s adept use of bold, expressive lines that convey movement and disarray.The scene is set amongst towering buildings that seem to dance and sway perilously against a backdrop of dense, horizontal lines, perhaps suggesting the relentless shaking ground or a dark, stormy sky. The architecture, portrayed in a distorted, almost surreal manner, tilts and collapses under the unseen force of the earthquake. Each window pane, door, and structural line is depicted in stark black against the white of the paper, creating a dramatic contrast that enhances the feeling of turmoil and panic.In the foreground, chaotic figures dash in various directions; their bodies tilted and angled to mimic the instability of their surroundings. This frantic activity not only heightens the sense of urgency but also humanizes the disaster, drawing viewers into the immediate emotional and physical experience of the subjects.Karl Wiener's "Erdbeben" not only serves as a powerful artistic interpretation of a natural disaster but also reflects the era's growing interest in expressing complex human experiences and the forces of nature through dynamic and innovative visual styles.


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Karl Wiener was an Austrian draftsman , graphic artist and photo montage artist. Because of his political and time-critical montages of the 1930s and 1940s, he was posthumously referred to as the Austrian John Heartfield on the occasion of the major retrospective on his estate in the Wien Museum.