Spielende Kinder (ca. 1926)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Spielende Kinder" (Playing Children), painted around 1926 by Karl Wiener, captures both the innocence of childhood and the resilience of spirit in an urban setting. At the heart of this vibrant watercolor are five children engaged in play against a backdrop of industrial buildings that suggest a bustling, perhaps early 20th-century German cityscape.The children, each portrayed mid-action, illuminate the scene with their colorful attire, giving life to the otherwise stark surroundings. Two boys in the center appear to be in a lively exchange, possibly debating the rules of a game or celebrating a playful triumph, emphasised by the flying ball above them. A girl on the right reaches towards the sky, perhaps in a game of catch or cheer, her red skirt and yellow blouse bright spots of color against the muted buildings.To the left, another boy is bent over, focused intently on drawing or writing something on the ground, adding a layer of curiosity and creativity to the scene. Nearby, another boy walks by, perhaps pondering whether to join in the activities.Wiener's work not only depicts the simplicity and joy found in childhood games but also subtly comments on the environment these children inhabit. The contrast between the lively, dynamic figures and the static, imposing architecture around them speaks to a juxtaposition of youth and the encroaching industrial era.


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Karl Wiener was an Austrian draftsman , graphic artist and photo montage artist. Because of his political and time-critical montages of the 1930s and 1940s, he was posthumously referred to as the Austrian John Heartfield on the occasion of the major retrospective on his estate in the Wien Museum.