The Assumption of the Virgin (1613–1614)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Peter Paul Rubens' exquisite drawing, "The Assumption of the Virgin" (1613-1614), captures a pivotal moment of celestial ascendance with a dramatic and spiritual intensity. This masterpiece depicts the Virgin Mary at the moment of her Assumption into Heaven, an event celebrated for its miraculous nature and deep religious significance.In the center of the composition, the Virgin Mary is portrayed ascending gracefully, her arms open and her gaze lifted upwards, symbolizing her receptiveness to the divine call. She is enveloped by swirling clouds and a throng of angels, who guide and celebrate her heavenly journey. The use of light and shadow in the drawing adds depth and a sense of motion, emphasizing the transcendence from the earthly to the divine.Below, the apostles witness this miraculous event with a mix of awe and fervor. Their varied expressions and dynamic poses convey a profound emotional response to the Assumption. Some raise their hands in veneration, while others seem to be in intense discussion or deep contemplation. The detailed rendering of their features and garments enhances the lifelike quality of the scene, allowing viewers to feel the apostles' astonishment and reverence.Rubens' skillful composition and his ability to convey emotion through figures and movement make "The Assumption of the Virgin" not only a visual spectacle but also a deeply moving interpretation of this sacred moment.


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Sir Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish artist and diplomat from the Duchy of Brabant in the Southern Netherlands (modern-day Belgium). He is considered the most influential artist of the Flemish Baroque tradition. Rubens's highly charged compositions reference erudite aspects of classical and Christian history. His unique and immensely popular Baroque style emphasized movement, colour, and sensuality, which followed the immediate, dramatic artistic style promoted in the Counter-Reformation. Rubens was a painter producing altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and history paintings of mythological and allegorical subjects. He was also a prolific designer of cartoons for the Flemish tapestry workshops and of frontispieces for the publishers in Antwerp.