trees (c.1935)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's painting "Trees" (c.1935) is a captivating example of expressive color and form, epitomizing the artist's unique approach to landscape art. The watercolor depicts a grove of tall, slender trees, their dark canopies starkly contrasted against a vibrant tapestry of rolling hills and lush fields. The winding curves and sweeping brush strokes create a dynamic sense of movement, guiding the viewer’s eye through the verdant landscape.The rich hues of green, yellow, and blue suggest the freshness and vitality of the natural world, perhaps observed during the peak of spring or summer. Small, shadowy figures can be spotted at the foot of the trees, perhaps suggesting a human presence or interaction with nature, but rendered almost insignificantly against the grandeur of the environment."Trees" showcases Kirchner's talent for distilling the essence of nature through a bold palette and emotional intensity, inviting viewers to experience the landscape in a deeply personal way.


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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880–1938) was one of the most important German Expressionist painters. He was a co-founder of Die Brücke, a group of German expressionist artists formed in Dresden in 1905. Die Brücke and Kirchner took inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh and Edvard Munch, as well as African and Oceanic art. They used woodblock printing as a medium to showcase their signature style: flat, unrealistic images with vivid colors. The recurring themes in Kirchner's artworks included exotic cultures, faraway landscapes, self-portraits, dancers and Berlin street life. His paintings and prints effectively portrayed non-European cultures despite the fact that he never traveled outside of Europe.