At The Races In The Countryside (1869)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this exquisite painting, Edgar Degas captures a lively scene of French leisure at the racetrack amidst a serene countryside setting. "At The Races In The Countryside," painted in 1869, skillfully portrays a selection of figures and animals, infusing the canvas with an energetic yet pastoral mood characteristic of Degas's unique style.Upon viewing the painting, one is immediately drawn to the group of elegant spectators in the foreground. A man in a top hat stands protectively close to an open horse-drawn carriage, where a woman with a parasol and a younger seated companion are engaged in the day's activities. Their attire speaks of sophistication, reflecting the social expectations and fashions of the time period. The presence of a playful dog next to the man adds a touch of everyday life and movement.In contrast to the detailed depiction of the people and horses up front, the background stretches out into a broad, open landscape dotted with tiny figures of other spectators and horses. These smaller figures, while less detailed, play a crucial role in extending the scene’s depth and highlighting the expansiveness of the venue. The sky, largely unobstructed and filled with gentle clouds, casts a naturalistic light over the entire scene, reinforcing the calm yet spirited atmosphere of a day at the races.Degas, primarily renowned for his depictions of dancers, here explores a different aspect of motion and social interaction through his portrayal of the race and its observers. This piece not only invites the viewers to appreciate the technical aspects of the artist's work but also to immerse themselves in the leisurely pursuits of 19th-century French society.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.