Study of a Girl’s Legs for the painting ‘Young Spartans’ (ca. 1860–62)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a fascinating glimpse into the meticulous preparatory work of Edgar Degas, as showcased in the sketch "Study of a Girl's Legs for the painting 'Young Spartans'" from around 1860-62. This delicate pencil drawing captures the artist's keen observation and mastery in portraying human anatomy. Highlighting only the lower half of a girl’s figure, Degas emphasizes the dynamism and tension in the muscles of the legs with fine, precise strokes. This study is believed to be a part of his early explorations for his larger work, "Young Spartans," indicating his thorough approach to composition and form before execution in paint. The subtlety in the shading and the naturalistic pose reflect Degas' classical training and his interest in the movement and posture of the human body, themes that continually recurred throughout his illustrious career.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.