Jérome Ottoz (circa 1875-1877)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edgar Degas's painting, titled "Jérome Ottoz" (circa 1875-1877), offers a mesmerizingly intense portrayal of the titular character, believed to be an acquaintance of the artist. In this work, Degas skillfully captures the essence of Ottoz through a masterful application of oil on canvas, rendering the depth and complexities of human expression.The portrait features Jérome Ottoz bearing a contemplative, somewhat forlorn expression. His face, illuminated against a dark, ambiguous background, draws the viewer into a personal, almost intrusive contemplation of character and emotion. The loose brushstrokes typical of Degas’s later works in portraiture suggest both movement and a sort of fleeting moment captured in time.Ottoz's face is aged and weathered, bearing the marks of time with a mixture of resilience and resignation. His eyes, underlined by shadows, appear reflective and penetrating, perhaps introspective, hinting at personal histories or unspoken tiredness. The painting's palette is restrained—earthen tones dominate, from the taupe of his headgear to the subtle ochre and greens faintly visible in the attire and background, echoing the overall mood of quiet introspection."Degas's interest in the human form and his skill in capturing the soul of his subjects is particularly evident in 'Jérome Ottoz.' This painting not only showcases Degas's virtuosity with the brush but also his ability to convey powerful emotional narratives, inviting viewers to ponder the stories and the silent resilience etched on Ottoz's face.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.