Joseph-Henri Altès (1826–1895) (1868)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to explore the intimate world of portraiture through Edgar Degas's remarkable painting titled "Joseph-Henri Altès (1826–1895)" completed in 1868. This evocative artwork captures the essence of Joseph-Henri Altès, a renowned French flautist and music educator, known for his influential role in the Parisian music scene of the 19th century.This portrait is a testament to Degas's mastery in capturing the subtleties of human expression and the unique character of his subjects. The painting focuses closely on Altès's profile, presenting a side view that highlights the contours of his face and his thoughtful expression. The soft, earthy tones of the background complement the warmth of his skin tone and the dark color of his beard, creating a harmonious and soothing visual experience.Degas's brushwork delicately renders the texture of Altès's hair and beard, giving a sense of depth and realism to the portrait. The subtle interplay of light and shadow reveals the gentle gaze and the introspective nature of Altès, inviting viewers to contemplate the inner world of a man celebrated not just for his musical talent but also his profound humanity.This painting not only reflects Degas's ability to convey psychological depth through portraiture but also serves as a historical glimpse into the artistic and cultural milieu of late 19th-century France.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.