Bières De La Meuse (1899)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The image you’re describing is actually an advertisement poster, which is illustrated by French artist Alphonse Mucha, not titled "Bières De La Meuse," but "Amieux Frères". This poster, created in the late 19th century, is a fine example of Mucha’s distinct art nouveau style, characterized by its vivid colors, ornate lettering, and elegant figures.The central elements include two large figures, likely workers, in traditional attire; a woman positioned prominently in the foreground wearing a headscarf and a white blouse, holding what appears to be a net or woven basket, looking to the background at a scene of ships and the ocean. There is also a younger person, dressed similarly, assisting her. These figures suggest the labor-intensive nature of the fishing industry.Below them, on the beach, are smaller figures working together to manage nets—a task likely related to the area's fishing industry. The red and orange hues in the background not only attract the eye but juxtapose against the calming blues of the sea, emphasizing the vibrancy of the scene.The upper section of the poster includes bold text, likely the name of the company "Amieux Frères", and additional texts that highlight the products (sardines and various canned goods), the size of the operation (11 factories and 3500 workers), and the production capacity (12 million cans per year).


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Alphonse Maria Mucha also know internationally as Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939), was a Czech graphic artist, painter and illustrator. He lived in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, and is best know for his noticeably stylized and decorative theatrical posters like those of Sarah Bernhardt, the most famous actress in paris at the time. Mucha produced paintings, advertisements, book illustrations as well as designs for carpets, jewelry and theatre sets, in what was called the Mucha style. His works featured beautiful young women in neoclassical robes surrounded by flowers which formed as haloes.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
