A Horse Affrighted

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In George Stubbs' painting titled "A Horse Affrighted," we see a gripping scene set in a wild, natural landscape. The artwork depicts a majestic white horse in a state of alarm, rearing back with wide, fearful eyes and flared nostrils. Its muscles are tensely defined, adding to the overall intensity of its reaction. On the right side of the painting, subtly positioned against the rocks and somewhat in the shadows, there is a lion. This presence of the lion, emerging from behind the rocks, is likely the source of the horse’s terror. The environment is rugged and rocky, emphasizing the sense of wildness and danger.The artist, George Stubbs, known for his remarkable ability to capture horses in his works, uses dramatic contrast in this engraving to heighten the emotional impact. Dark stormy clouds and shadowed rocks contrast sharply with the lightness of the horse’s body, directing the viewer's focus immediately to the animal and its expression of fear.Overall, the painting vividly conveys a moment of acute animal instinct and survival, showcasing Stubbs' skill in depicting animals and their emotions within their natural settings.


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George Stubbs (25 August 1724 – 10 July 1806) was an English painter, best known for his paintings of horses. Self-trained, Stubbs learnt his skills independently from other great artists of the 18th century such as Reynolds and Gainsborough. Stubbs' output includes history paintings, but his greatest skill was in painting animals, perhaps influenced by his love and study of anatomy. His series of paintings on the theme of a lion attacking a horse are early and significant examples of the Romantic movement that emerged in the late 18th century. He enjoyed royal patronage. His painting, Whistlejacket hangs in the National Gallery, London.