Apparition (1931)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Apparition" (1931) by Alfred Ost is a compelling, expressionist artwork that utilizes a predominantly dark palette with stark monochromatic contrasts. The painting portrays a seemingly distressed or contemplative female figure at its center. Her pose, with hands clasped near her chin, suggests an emotional depth, as she gazes outwards, potentially beseeching or deep in thought.The background of the painting is rather abstract and chaotic, interlaced with what appears to be script or textual elements, almost resembling hurried, scribbled notes or messages. This textual aspect contributes to a sense of overwhelming thoughts or a busy mind, perhaps connecting to the title "Apparition," which could imply a ghostly or supernatural presence that is not immediately obvious.The composition makes use of blurred and sweeping brushstrokes that emphasize movement and an ethereal quality, appropriate to the painting’s title. Architectural and possibly ecclesiastical elements like spires suggest a setting that may be historical or spiritual in nature, providing a potent backdrop to the central figure’s emotional state.Overall, Alfred Ost's "Apparition" invites the viewer into a world of personal turmoil and introspection, set against a backdrop that blurs the line between the physical and the metaphysical. It's a piece that powerfully communicates mood and atmosphere through its vigorous style and dark tones.


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Alfred Ost was a renowned Belgian painter. In 1920, he garnered a bronze medal in the art competition at the Olympic Games for his exquisite painting titled "The Footballer" (Joueur de Football). Interestingly, that was the year when the Olympic Games expanded to include categories such as painting, architecture, literature, music, and sculpture.

During the challenging times of the Second World War, Alfred faced immense hardships, even running out of essential supplies like food. However, he managed to sustain himself through the help of Jesuit priests from the Xavier College in Antwerp. This help was in return for the religious artwork he contributed.

The Jesuits admired his artwork and provided him the opportunity to create murals across their school. These masterpieces illustrated the life of Francis Xavier, the patron saint of the Jesuit order and the eponymous college. Owing to a wartime scarcity of paints, Alfred resourcefully employed charcoal and charcoal sticks for his work. Later, these murals were preserved with a protective layer, and they continue to be among the school's most treasured possessions to this day.