Woman In A Long Tubular Dress

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This artwork by Otto Friedrich Carl Lendecke depicts a stylized figure of a woman attired in a long and elaborate dress. The color palette centers on earth tones interspersed with bold black accents and displaying a blend of both geometric and organic shapes throughout. The woman's dress is tubular and elongates her form, amplifying the sense of elegance and grace.The dress features a remarkable array of patterns, including striped embellishments on the sleeves and large, circular motifs along the body that draw the eye dynamically around the figure. The dress complements the overall stylized approach, including the woman's posed demeanor; she holds one arm stretched slightly away from her body while the other is bent and held behind her head, suggesting a posture of both relaxation and poised presentation.Her face is depicted with simplified features that allude to early 20th-century modernist influences, incorporating flat planes and minimal details that convey expression efficiently. The headdress she wears features geometrical elements echoing the themes in her dress and further contributes to her distinctive and ornamental appearance.The background is starkly minimalist, a plain white that accentuates the figure and her striking outfit. This brings the viewer's focus squarely on the craftsmanship of the attire and the elegant posture of the woman, highlighting both the artistic style and the cultural expressions encapsulated in the piece. The image radiates a sense of fashion-forwardness and a celebration of form and pattern often seen in the Art Deco movement.


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Otto Friedrich Carl Lendecke (1886-1918) was an Austrian painter, sculptor and illustrator of the impressionist and modern art era. He served as a soldier in the Austrian army in World War I until 1909, and debuted as a sculptor in 1911. He drew fashion illustrations for journals such as Jugend, Meggendorfer Blätter, and Licht und Schatten. He also made watercolors and linocuts for Viennese Fashion, and was accepted into the artistic advisory board of the magazine.