The Courtesan Konosumi, From The Series “Beauties Of The Southern Quarter”

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Kitagawa Utamaro, titled "The Courtesan Konosumi, From The Series 'Beauties Of The Southern Quarter'," is a striking example of the ukiyo-e woodblock print genre that flourished in Japan during the Edo period. In this artwork, we see a close-up portrait of Konosumi, a courtesan, rendered with impeccable detail and subtle expression.Utamaro is renowned for his ability to capture the elegance and nuanced beauty of women, particularly those within the pleasure districts of Tokyo (then Edo). His style is evident in the delicate and refined features of Konosumi’s face, whose serene and slightly downcast eyes suggest a contemplative mood. Her makeup is understated yet impactful, with the red lips contrasting sharply with her pale skin, and her eyebrows delicately inked.Her hair is elaborately styled and adorned with kanzashi (hair ornaments), typical of the fashion among courtesans of the time. These ornaments are fairly large and simplistic in form but decorative, adding to the sophistication of her appearance.In front of her face, partially obscuring it, is a fan bearing calligraphy and a small, detailed landscape featuring sailboats on a body of water, suggesting scenes possibly from the southern quarter or perhaps referencing some lyrical sentiment. The inclusion of the fan is a common artistic practice in ukiyo-e prints, serving as a prop that adds depth to the character’s story or emotion.


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During the Edo period in Japan, Kitagawa Utamaro (1753–1806) was the most famous creator of Ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings. Kitagawa was famous for painting beautiful Japanese women and illustrations of nature, birds being his favorite subject. His artworks also influenced European Impressionists in the mid-nineteenth century.