Erotic Print

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This artwork by Kitagawa Utamaro, a prominent Japanese artist from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is a fine example of shunga, a genre of Japanese erotic art. The print shows two women in an intimate moment, characterized by rich detail and masterful color usage.In the foreground, one woman holds a smoking pipe close to her mouth, her gaze turned affectionately towards the other woman, highlighting a moment of connection and tenderness. Both women are adorned in traditional Japanese clothing, which is lavishly decorated and exquisitely colored, representative of the Ukiyo-e style’s attention to patterns and textures.The setting of the art features understated yet elegant background elements like a folding screen painted with a simple geometric pattern, adding depth and context to the scene without detracting focus from the subjects.Utamaro's work is renowned for its sensitive portrayal of the beauty and variety of female forms and expressions. His ability to capture emotional depth and the intricacy of human relationships, as evident in this print, makes his art enduringly appealing and influential in the realm of Japanese woodblock prints.


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During the Edo period in Japan, Kitagawa Utamaro (1753–1806) was the most famous creator of Ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings. Kitagawa was famous for painting beautiful Japanese women and illustrations of nature, birds being his favorite subject. His artworks also influenced European Impressionists in the mid-nineteenth century.