Orange Flower Without Margin

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Orange Flower Without Margin" by Hannah Borger Overbeck is a delicate and expressive watercolor painting depicting a vibrant arrangement of flowers. The artwork captures the beauty and subtle details of what appears to be marigolds, characterized by their rich orange and yellow hues. These flowers are portrayed with a sense of both realism and impressionistic style, showing vivid colors and dynamic brush strokes that convey the natural variation and texture of the petals and leaves.The flowers are staged against a subdued background that blends warm earth tones, giving an almost ethereal glow to the flowers themselves, making them pop out from the canvas. The lack of a distinct border or background detail focuses the viewer’s attention entirely on the blossoms and their stems, emphasizing their natural elegance and the smooth, flowing lines used to portray them.The leaves and stems are depicted with varying shades of green and hints of blue, adding depth and contrast to the painting. This color scheme not only enhances the visual appeal of the piece but also contributes to a serene and harmonious composition.Overall, this painting by Hannah Borger Overbeck exemplifies her skill in using watercolors to capture the beauty of nature in a way that is both vivid and nuanced, full of life and inviting contemplation.


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Hannah Borger Overbeck (1870-1931) was an American artist and illustrator during the Arts and Crafts Movement. Together with her four sisters, she founded Overbeck Pottery in Cambridge City, Indiana. She was known for her watercolors and sketches, and was responsible for the pottery’s decorative designs. Her main subject was nature with beautiful flowers and botanical drawings.