Farmwork, 1924

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Alfred William Finch, titled "Farmwork, 1924," depicts a bucolic rural landscape filled with the calm activity of agricultural life. The scene captures a serene, expansive field under a soft, perhaps early morning or late afternoon sky, suggesting the gentle beginning or close of a day’s labor.The landscape shows rolling hills painted in hues of greens and browns, suggesting a mix of vegetation and plowed fields, characteristic of a working farm. The horizon is crowned with muted tones of blue and gray, giving the sky a tender luminosity that illuminates subtle shifts in the terrain’s color.In the foreground, two figures—an adult and a smaller figure, possibly a child or a younger helper—are seen working with oxen. This indicates a scene not merely of pastoral life but of active, traditional farming. This human element adds a touch of narrative to the scene, emphasizing the timelessness and continuity of agricultural work.The painting’s brushwork is loose, with broad strokes that convey movement and vitality, adding a dynamic quality to the tranquil setting. Additionally, the ornate, detailed frame surrounding the artwork adds a level of richness, contrasting with the simplicity and earthiness of the scene depicted within.Overall, Finch’s "Farmwork, 1924" is both a celebration of the rhythm of rural life and a visual reflection on the harmony between humans and nature in agricultural settings.


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Alfred William Finch (1854-1930) was a Neo-Impressionist artist born to British parents in Brussels, Belgium. His works utilized the color palette and Pointillism technique, which were shared by other significant figures of the Neo-Impressionism movement, including Paul Signac, Camille Pissarro, and Georges Seurat. Finch was among the founding members of Les XX (Les Vingt), a group of twenty artists based in Brussels that challenged antiquated and conservative artistic traditions and academism. The group held annual art exhibitions, greatly influencing the development of Neo-Impressionism. In his later years, Alfred William Finch also produced ceramics and pottery, decorated with a fusion of his familiar Neo-Impressionism, Arts and Crafts, and Belgian Art Nouveau styles. His artworks primarily portray the atmospheric beauty of nature and the countryside along the Channel coast. Alfred William Finch spent the majority of his artistic career in Helsinki, where he passed away in 1930.