Scene From The Noh Play Suehirogari

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Kogyo Tsukioka is a vibrantly detailed portrayal from a Noh play entitled "Suehirogari." In this scene, we see two central characters dressed in traditional Noh attire, which is rich in texture and color. The figure to the left is wearing a dark kimono adorned with circular patterns and a mon (family crest), indicative of his status or role. He holds an umbrella, further accentuating his character’s status or part in this specific narrative moment.The character to the right is garbed in a strikingly colorful kimono, displaying bold stripes and ornate designs, which suggest his significant role in the play. His expression appears animated and lively, contributing to the dynamic nature of the scene. This character seems to be in motion, perhaps caught in an instant of dramatic revelation or conversation, underscored by his open-mouthed expression.Above these figures floats a fan, featuring an illustration that hints at another layer of the storyline, possibly a romantic or mythical subplot, given the depiction of two figures in an intimate pose.The simplicity of the background, with its soft, muted colors, brings the viewer’s focus intensely on the characters and their expressive costumes.


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Kogyo Tsukioka (1869-1927) was a Japanese painter, woodblock print artist, and the adopted son of famous ukiyo-e artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. His work focused on traditional Noh theater, a classical Japanese dance-drama, documenting performances through over 550 woodblock prints decorated with gold and silver.  He also painted scenes of nature and from the Sino-Japanese war.