Cupid And Psyche

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Cupid and Psyche" by Edward Burne-Jones is a captivating pre-Raphaelite painting that eloquently captures the mythological tale of the star-crossed lovers, Cupid, the god of desire, and Psyche, a beautiful mortal. In this rendition, the scene is laced with an atmospheric romanticism typical of Burne-Jones' work.The painting showcases an ethereal meeting between the two characters. Cupid, adorned in a gossamer blue robe, is depicted with delicate, translucent wings that seem to shimmer with a blend of colors. He is shown bending gently towards Psyche, conveying an intimate and tender moment. His face expresses concern and affection as he reaches out to touch her.Psyche is portrayed reclining on what appears to be an elegant outdoor bed or couch. She is half-draped in a flowing white garment, suggesting both innocence and vulnerability. Her pose is passive and serene, contributing to a sense of peaceful slumber. One notices the detailed texture of her dress and the soft, relaxed styling of her hair, enhancing her feminine qualities.The setting is a lush garden, indicated by the presence of roses and a rich green landscape stretching into the distance.


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Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) was a British designer and Victorian narrative painter. He was born in Birmingham to a picture-framer. He intended to become a minister and studied theology at Oxford. However, his life took a turn when he met William Morris. Together they formed The Brotherhood, a society worshipping the poets and architecture of the middle ages. They both worked together on several projects for Morris & Co. Burne-Jones designed tapestries, jewellery, sculptures, ceramics, furniture and stained glass for the company. His artworks truly captured the spirit of the nineteenth century and the Arts and Crafts movement. In recent decades his art has had a renaissance and become among the most expensive pre-raphaelite artworks to be sold at auction.