Business-Men'S Class

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Business-Men's Class" by George Bellows illustrates a dynamic, somewhat satirical scene set in a boxing gym where businessmen are engaging in physical exercise and boxing. The image captures a variety of characters, each with distinctive expressions and postures, which adds a lively, almost comical ambiance to the depiction.In the foreground, a muscular instructor, possibly a professional boxer, is seen demonstrating a stance or a move, his body taut and directed towards an attentive businessman. Surrounding them are other men in various states of engagement—some are punching the air, others are observing or conversing, and a couple of men on the left appear to be in discussion or instruction.The environment depicted is gritty and informal, with boxing gloves scattered on the floor and benches lined along the walls for observers or resting participants. Above, the room is bordered by a balcony, suggesting that this space may also serve as an area for spectators or additional activities. There’s a sense of chaotic energy and robust motion throughout the room, emphasized by Bellows’s expressive lines and dark, heavy shading.The contrast between the traditionally staid, formal nature of businessmen and the vigorous, somewhat brutish sport of boxing creates a juxtaposition that might explore themes of masculinity, class, or the pursuit of health during the early 20th century.


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George Bellows (1882-1925) was one of America’s greatest artists when he died at the young age of 42. Rooted in realism with focus on social, political and cultural issues, his powerful drawings and paintings depicted boxing matches, and the gritty life of the New York working class. The violent atmosphere of his drawings was a great contrast to his lithographs of seascapes, nudes and portraits with modernism influences.