Iris Pumila From The Genus Iris

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting titled "Iris Pumila From The Genus Iris" by William Rickatson Dykes showcases a botanical illustration of the Iris pumila, a species of flowering plant in the iris family. It features several blooms in different stages and colors including blue, yellow, and purple, which are depicted with a high level of detail and botanical accuracy. The painter has carefully rendered each plant, showing not only the graceful arcs of the petals but also the complex structure of the roots and foliage.The background of the painting is plain, providing a stark contrast that highlights the vivid colors and intricate forms of the iris flowers. This focus on the plants with minimal or no distraction in the background is typical of traditional botanical illustrations, which are intended both to be visually pleasing and to provide precise scientific information about the species depicted.William Rickatson Dykes was known for his detailed and scientifically accurate botanical illustrations. This work exemplifies his skill in combining art with botanical science, making it not only a beautiful piece of art but also a useful resource for studying the characteristics of the Iris pumila species.


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William Rickatson Dykes (1877–1925) was an expert in iris breeding. He also had a great interest in tulips, amaryllis and other plants. He wrote many influential books on the botanical subject.