Still Life with Two Large Candles (1947)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a contemplative journey through Max Beckmann's intriguing painting, "Still Life with Two Large Candles," created in 1947. This remarkable artwork transcends traditional still life to offer a vivid exploration of form, color, and symbolism.At first glance, the painting captures your attention with its bold, expressive lines and a somewhat somber palette punctuated by bursts of color. The composition centers around two dramatically depicted candles, with one prominently melting over the side of its holder, its flame vigorous and alive. This candle, particularly alive and flickering, suggests themes of time, change, and perhaps the endurance of the human spirit.Surrounding the candles are various objects that add layers of meaning and mystery. A vase filled with vibrant flowers leans towards the light, almost as if in a state of thirst, drawing both sustenance and peril from the flames. The juxtaposition of these elements might symbolize the delicate balance between life and destruction, a theme often revisited in Beckmann's work.Distinctive, too, are the objects that accompany the central candles. A mysterious black mask, perhaps a nod to the theatrical or the personas we adopt, adds a touch of enigmatic drama. Nearby, scattered papers and books possibly reflect Beckmann’s intellectual interests and his engagement with the cultural and political undercurrents of his time.The texture and technique of Beckmann’s painting are as compelling as its content. He employs thick, confident strokes that give the scene a dynamic vigor and a robust physicality, while his use of shadow and light adds a dramatic effect, enhancing the emotional impact of the still life.


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Actors, cabaret singers, heroes and thugs in a harsh postwar urban life by German artist Max Beckmann (1884-1950). His paintings show boldness, lust, and pain through delineated figures. The Nazi rule forced Beckmann to resign as an art professor and declared his artworks as degenerate. He later left for America where he lived in exile, yet remained active as an artist.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
