Still Leben Mit Stiefmütterchen (Still Life With Pansies)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Olga Wisinger-Florian's "Still Leben Mit Stiefmütterchen" (Still Life With Pansies) captures the essence of a vibrant flower arrangement, breathing life into an ordinary subject through the artist's adept use of texture and color. This painting showcases a lush bouquet of pansies, highlighted by their rich and varied colors that range from deep purples and blues to vivid yellows and subtle whites. The blooms are set against a muted, textured golden background that seems to emphasize the vividness of the floral subjects.Wisinger-Florian, a notable figure in Austrian impressionism, brings a distinct touch to this work, portraying not just the physical beauty of the pansies but also suggesting their delicate nature through her brushwork. The varied strokes create a dynamic interplay of light and shadow, giving a sense of depth and movement within the composition. Flecks of paint capture the fragile texture of the petals and the roughness of leaves, inviting viewers to pause and appreciate the intricacies of nature’s designs.This piece not only reflects Wisinger-Florian’s skill and sensitivity as an artist but also serves as a reminder of the simple beauty that can be found in everyday life.


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Olga Wisinger-Florian was an Austrian impressionist painter, mainly of landscapes and flower still life. She was a representative of the Austrian "Stimmungsimpressionismus [de]" (Mood Impressionism), a loose group of Austrian impressionist painters that was considered avant-garde in the 1870s and 1880s.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
