
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Seacoast" by Onutė Juškienė invites the viewer into a serene natural landscape that merges delicate florals with the vast, tranquil backdrop of a coastal panorama. Dominating the foreground are vibrant blue lupine flowers, richly detailed and vivid against the sandy terrain that stretches around them. Their lush, verdant leaves and bold blooms draw the eye, serving as a living contrast to the muted tones of the sandy path that weaves gently towards the water.As the gaze drifts from the colorful flora, it encounters the gentle undulations of the coast itself, where calm waters meet a hazy skyline, suggesting the quiet swell of an ocean at rest. To the right, a cluster of trees and brush add texture and depth, casting light shadows and creating a sense of lush seclusion.This painting not only captures a moment of natural beauty but also evokes a feeling of tranquility and contemplation. Juškienė's meticulous attention to detail—from the individual grains of sand to the subtle gradations of sky and water—demonstrates a masterful appreciation of landscape and setting.


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Onutė is a recognized Lithuanian artist whose original paintings draw attention instantly. 

Her art reality is a fusion of rather detailed realistic exploration and a fairy-tale realm. Both of them demand a thorough mastery of lines composing tiny, fragile elements. 

Onutė will lead you to a child's world of wonder where the real and the imagined both serve as a source of miraculous surprise and amazement.

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Giclée quality print

60x60 cm
