
Technique: Giclée quality print
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This artwork is a detailed and vivid painting by John James Audubon, renowned for his studies and illustrations of birds. Titled "Raven," the image features a striking view of a raven perched on a branch. The bird is depicted in a lateral pose, allowing viewers to appreciate the intricate textures and glossy sheen of its plumage, which predominantly shows a mix of black and iridescent blue feathers. The raven's eyes gleam with a sense of intelligence and curiosity, and its beak is slightly open as if caught in the middle of a call or vocalization.The background is adorned with beautifully rendered foliage, showing a variety of leaves and what appears to be fruit in different stages of opening, adding a lush contrast to the dark tones of the raven. The botanical elements are painted with precision, emphasizing Audubon’s skill in both ornithological and botanical illustrations. The composition as a whole is both a scientific record and a piece of aesthetic enjoyment, characteristic of Audubon's work in "The Birds of America" from which this plate comes.Audubon's work often goes beyond mere depiction, aiming to convey the living essence of the subject bird and its environment. Thus, the painting not only showcases the raven's physical attributes but evokes its natural setting and behavior, inviting the viewer into a moment of life within the natural world.


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John James Audubon (April 26, 1785 – January 27, 1851), born Jean-Jacques Audubon, was an American ornithologistnaturalist, and painter. He was notable for his extensive studies documenting all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that depicted the birds in their natural habitats. His major work, a color-plate book entitled The Birds of America (1827–1839), is considered one of the finest ornithological works ever completed. Audubon identified 25 new species.