Monkey, hanging from bamboo branch (1900 - 1930)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this delicate and detailed painting by Ohara Koson, a monkey is depicted in a dynamic pose, suspended from a slender bamboo branch. The monkey, rendered with skilled brush strokes, clings to the branch with one hand while the other paw is extended outward, seemingly in mid-movement. Its fur is shaded with grays and whites, suggesting a soft texture and giving the creature a life-like appearance. The monkey’s face is expressive, with pronounced dark eyes, adding a sense of curiosity or alertness to its demeanor. Around the monkey, sparse bamboo leaves are illustrated using fine lines, creating a sense of depth and environment. The background is a muted gray, focusing the viewer's attention on the monkey and the bamboo.


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Ohara Koson was a Japanese painter and woodblock print designer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, part of the shin-hanga movement. Ohara Koson was famous as a master of kachō-e designs.