Lying Pig (1775-1883)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork features a sketch of a pig lying down. The pig is broadly outlined with textured, rough strokes, giving it a dynamic yet soft appearance. The creature's contours are softly shaded, emphasizing its round and plump form. The pig's head is resting comfortably on the ground, pointing slightly towards the viewer with visible ears and a peaceful expression. A simplistic and subtle background supports the focal figure, ensuring that the attention remains primarily on the pig’s relaxed posture and detailed features.


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Jean Bernard (1775–1833) was an avid Dutch art collector and a painter. His portraits of people, nature, and animals were drawn mostly with charcoal and colored crayons which beautifully captured the intricate details of his varied subjects. 

He was a successful artist during his lifetime with many of his works decorating ministries and famous people's homes.