
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting captures a vibrant cluster of chrysanthemums rendered with exquisite detail and a nearly illustrative quality. Each flower is distinctly depicted with intricate lines and varying shades. On the right, a group of white chrysanthemums dominates, their petals sprawling and some drooping slightly, suggesting full blossom and natural decay. The central and left portion of the composition features chrysanthemums in deeper pink and red hues, providing a striking contrast to the white blooms. The deeply colored flowers are bold and appear denser with overlapping petals and pronounced golden centers. Verdant green leaves, etched with precise lines showing veins and edges, weave through the flowers, accentuating their form and the organic chaos of a floral arrangement.


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Compilation of human portraits, sketches and graphic arts from the 19th century by Julie de Graag (1877–1924), a female Dutch graphic artist and painter. She mainly produced graphic works in an Art Nouveau style which have been described as being both “sober yet refined”.