
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Trochilidae–Kolibris" by Ernst Haeckel is a beautifully detailed illustration that features an array of hummingbirds, known for belonging to the family Trochilidae. This artwork showcases Haeckel's skill in capturing the vibrant and diverse colors of these small, fast-moving birds.In this image, there are several species of hummingbirds engaged in various activities, vividly depicted with intricate feather patterns and lively poses. These birds are illustrated with a range of hues from deep greens and bright reds to subtle browns and striking whites. Some of the birds are depicted feeding on nectar from flowering plants, while others are in flight, showcasing their unique ability to hover with rapidly beating wings.The background of the painting is lush and densely packed with foliage, providing a naturalistic context that highlights the hummingbirds' native environments in the tropics. The painting combines scientific accuracy with artistic flair, capturing both the beauty and the dynamic nature of these fascinating birds.Ernst Haeckel, a biologist and artist, was known for his detailed and colorful renderings of biological subjects, and this painting is a fine example of his work that not only serves scientific purposes but also appeals broadly for its aesthetic beauty. The painting is also a testament to Haeckel's dedication to illustrating nature in a way that is both educational and enchanting.


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Multicolor illustrations of animals and sea creatures from Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms of Nature) by German zoologist, naturalist, professor, and marine biologist, Ernst Haeckel (1843–1919), in full Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckela. Haeckel was known for discovering and naming thousands of new species. Kunstformen der Natur was known for bridging the gap between science and art.