Stående mandlig model (1881 – 1884)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Exquisite and introspective, "Stående mandlig model" by Vilhelm Hammershøi, painted between 1881 and 1884, captures the nuanced simplicity and quiet intensity that characterize much of Hammershøi's work. In this charcoal on canvas piece, the artist depicts a male nude in a standing pose, his body slightly turned towards the viewer, evoking a sense of both vulnerability and contemplative strength.The model's downward gaze and relaxed posture contribute to a mood of introspection and subtle tension. The softness of the charcoal medium blurs the lines, lending the figure a gentle, almost ethereal quality, while the play of light and shadow across his body highlights the natural human form. The use of a muted palette and the hazy background further emphasize the subject’s figure, pulling the viewer’s focus squarely to the stilled moment of human existence and quietude.Hammershøi's mastery in handling light and shadow is evident, crafting a visual dialogue between the tangible body and the intangible thoughts of the model. This painting invites viewers to pause and reflect, not only on the physicality presented but on the deeper, quiet stories that rest within stillness and simplicity.


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Vilhelm Hammershøi, often spelled Vilhelm Hammershoi in English, was a Danish painter. He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors.

Vilhelm Hammershøi was born in 1864. Copenhagen, Denmark. The son of a wealthy merchant Christian Hammershøi and his wife Frederikke (née Rentzmann), Hammershøi studied drawing from the age of eight with Niels Christian Kierkegaard and Holger Grønvold, as well as painting with Vilhelm Kyhn.