Masseida nue allongée sur un divan

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Théophile Alexandre Steinlen's artwork "Masseida nue allongée sur un divan" offers a deep contemplation in the form of a pastel drawing. The artwork captures the quiet grace of a woman, Masseida, who reclines relaxedly on a richly patterned divan. Her figure is rendered with a bold and expressive touch, illustrating the play of light and shadow across her form, which contrasts starkly with her dark skin.Steinlen's choice of colors brings vibrancy to the scene. The warm yellows and oranges of the rug beneath the divan, as well as the rich cascade of blues and greens on the couch, create a lively yet soothing atmosphere. A bowl of vividly colored fruits, along with a solitary vase beside, accents the composition, offering a hint of still life alongside the figure.The room itself is subtly depicted, with vertical drape-like lines in the background, suggesting a secluded domestic space. The figure’s relaxed pose and direct gaze portray a sense of openness and serenity, inviting viewers to pause and reflect on the beauty of the moment captured.In "Masseida nue allongée sur un divan," Steinlen not only showcases his mastery of pastel techniques but also delves into themes of serenity, natural beauty, and the intimate moments of daily life.


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Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, was a Swiss-born French Art Nouveau painter and printmaker.

Born in Lausanne, Steinlen studied at the University of Lausanne before taking a job as a designer trainee at a textile mill in Mulhouse in eastern France. In his early twenties he was still developing his skills as a painter when he and his wife Emilie were encouraged by the painter François Bocion to move to the artistic community in the Montmartre Quarter of Paris. Once there, Steinlen was befriended by the painter Adolphe Willette who introduced him to the artistic crowd at Le Chat Noir that led to his commissions to do poster art for the cabaret owner/entertainer, Aristide Bruant and other commercial enterprises.