Bairei gafu, Pl.02 (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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02" by Kōno Bairei, 1905This evocative painting by Kōno Bairei, featured in his celebrated work “Bairei gafu”, showcases the delicate beauty and inherent grace of cranes, rendered with exquisite detail and vibrant expression. The artwork belongs to a traditional Japanese genre that focuses on depictions of flora and fauna, emphasizing the spiritual and aesthetic value of nature.In "Bairei gafu, Pl.02", two cranes stand among wisps of grass against a subtly tinted background that transitions from a pale peach hue into a soft, tranquil grey. These majestic birds are illustrated with remarkable detail in their feathers, capturing a sense of both realism and idealism that is characteristic of Japanese prints. The taller crane stretches its neck skyward, an emblem of elegance and alertness, while the other bends gracefully, seemingly preening or interacting with its surroundings.These birds, often symbols of longevity and good fortune in Japanese culture, are portrayed here in a moment that feels both intimate and universal—a snapshot of serene natural life that resonates with viewers for its quiet beauty and harmonic composition.Kōno Bairei's mastery in using line and color to convey the subtleties of movement and emotion is evident, making this artwork not only a visual treat but a profound commentary on the beauty of nature.


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Kōno Bairei was a Japanese painter, book illustrator, and art teacher. He was born (as Yasuda Bairei) and lived in Kyoto. He was a member of the Ukiyo-e school and was a master of kacho-e painting (depictions of birds and flowers) in the Meiji period of Japan.