Venice, the Grand Canal from the Palazzo Flangini to San Marcuola (c. 1740 - 1750)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Titled "Venice, the Grand Canal from the Palazzo Flangini to San Marcuola," this exquisite painting by the masterful Venetian artist Canaletto, created around 1740-1750, captures the vibrant essence of life along Venice's famed Grand Canal. The composition superbly illustrates a serene day, with the soft light of the Venetian sky casting a gentle glow over the bustling canal.In the foreground, gondolas glide gracefully on the reflective water, each manned by gondoliers in traditional attire. These boats vary in their cargo—some carry elegantly dressed Venetians, possibly of the nobility, contributing to the social narrative of the era. The architecture lining the canal is rendered in meticulous detail, showcasing Canaletto's skill in architectural depictions. Notable buildings, such as the grand Palazzo Flangini, are depicted with precise, harmonious proportions and bear witness to the opulence of Venetian architecture.The painting is rich with everyday details: people engaging in conversations, gondoliers navigating the waters, and distant figures that animate the scene further. The play of light and shadow, combined with the detailed rendering of the buildings and reflections on the water, creates a composition that is not only a geographical portrayal but also a vivid social tapestry of Venice in the 18th century.


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Giovanni Antonio Canal (18 October 1697 – 19 April 1768), commonly known as Canaletto, was an Italian painter from the Republic of Venice, considered an important member of the 18th-century Venetian school.

Painter of city views or vedute, of Venice, Rome, and London, he also painted imaginary views, although the demarcation in his works between the real and the imaginary is never quite clearcut. He was further an important printmaker using the etching technique. In the period from 1746 to 1756, he worked in England, where he painted many views of London and other sites, including Warwick Castle and Alnwick Castle. He was highly successful in England, thanks to the British merchant and connoisseur Joseph "Consul" Smith, whose large collection of Canaletto's works was sold to King George III in 1762.