The Rhinoceros

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The woodcut you're asking about, "The Rhinoceros" by Albrecht Dürer, is an iconic artwork from 1515. It depicts a rhinoceros in a highly detailed and stylized form. Dürer created this piece based on brief descriptions and a sketch from an unknown artist; he never saw a live rhinoceros himself, as it was sent from India to the King of Portugal. This explains why the depiction includes some inaccuracies and fantastical elements.In the artwork, the rhinoceros is portrayed with what appears to be armor-like skin, with riveted plates and scales, which is not anatomically correct. Its body is bulky and sturdy, showing heavy, textured skin folds. The creature features a prominent horn on its nose and another smaller one above it, with a pebbled texture covering its body. Its legs are sturdy and column-like, adding to the overall powerful and robust appearance of the animal.Despite its inaccuracies, Dürer's rhinoceros became a seminal image in Europe and influenced the depiction of the species in art and natural history texts for centuries. This artwork not only showcases the level of detail and skill in Dürer’s woodcuts but also reflects the fascination and curiosity about exotic animals in Europe during the Renaissance. The text above the image provides a description of the rhinoceros, its arrival in Lisbon, and its presentation, emphasizing its exotic origin and the wonder it inspired.


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Christian paintings, woodcuts and landscapes by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). Dürer's pieces on Christian themes and allegory are considered to be the finest examples of the Northern Renaissance. One of Dürer's most famous works on Christ is his "Crucifixion" woodcut (1503). The piece demonstrates Dürer's mastery of the medium and deep understanding of Christian symbolism. The work depicts the crucifixion of Christ in a powerful and realistic manner, with an emphasis on the suffering and sacrifice of Christ. Dürer began his career as an apprentice in Nuremberg to the master craftsman Michael Wolgemut. He later became the founding member of the city's painters' guild and was an active member of humanist circles prominent in Nuremberg at the time.