Tree pochoir pattern

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting presents a rich and intricate textile design on a deep black background. It features an elaborately patterned motif with a series of organic, rounded shapes, reminiscent of stylized flowers or fruits, interconnected by delicate, curving stems. These main forms are outlined in gold, creating a striking contrast against the dark field. Each central shape houses a detailed, colorful pattern incorporating shades of blue, red, and pink with highlights of white, giving the impression of ornate blossoms or exotic fabric.Surrounding the central motifs are clusters of elongated, slender leaves in shades of green, which seem to emanate from the stems, adding a lively, dynamic quality to the design. The leaves’ vivid color and sharp outlines enhance the visual interest and depth, suggesting a lush, dense foliage.


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Emile-Alain Séguy was a French 20th century artist. He produced eleven albums inspired by insects, butterflies and nature, with intricate Art Nouveau and brightly colored Art Deco geometric floral patterns. He used a unique printing technique called Pochoir, the method of applying pigment to paper through stencils.