
Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Žaidimas" by Remigijus JanuškevičiusRemigijus Januškevičius's enchanting painting, "Žaidimas," transports viewers to a vibrant and pastoral scene filled with light and color. This picturesque artwork, set amidst a backdrop of golden-aged trees and a hazy, sunlit sky, captures the essence of a joyous day out in the countryside, where nature and human spirits intersect.In "Žaidimas," which translates to "The Game" in English, we witness a lively group of figures engaged in playful and relaxed activities. The foreground is bustling with young women adorned in flowing dresses of pink and white, as they leisurely sit on blankets scattered with remnants of a feast—fruits, flowers, and scattered petals enrich the scene with a texture that is almost tangible. Among these figures, some are conversing, laughing, and others simply enjoying the serene environment.Adding layers to this idyllic setting, several musicians with instruments—string players and a horn player—create a harmonious blend of visual and imagined auditory elements, enhancing the festive atmosphere. The soft contours and gentle handling of light not only highlight Januškevičius's skillful use of color but also give the scene a dream-like quality.In the background, the landscape stretches towards a quaint village, with structures that peek through the misty distance, suggesting the continuity of life beyond the immediate joy and tranquility of the scene."Žaidimas" by Remigijus Januškevičius is more than a painting; it is a celebration of nature, community, and the simple joys of life, capturing moments of delight that resonate with viewers long after they've looked away. This piece is a splendid addition to any collection, inviting onlookers to partake in its peaceful reprieve and festive spirit.


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Pinigai už siuntimą nėra grąžinami.

Remigijaus tapyba - išties kruopšti ir unikali.

Jo darbai mus atveda į fantazijų pasaulį, kuris žavi savo kruopščiomis detalėmis ir figūromis, neįprastomis siužetų idėjomis, šiltais koloritais. Kiekvienas dailininko paveikslas - tarsi nauja pasaka.

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