Forest Floor with a Snake, Lizards, Butterflies and other Insects (1650 - 1678)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Forest Floor with a Snake, Lizards, Butterflies and other Insects" by Otto Marseus van Schrieck is a captivating piece of art that peers into the shadowy underbelly of nature, a less observed but equally mesmerizing realm. Painted between 1650 and 1678, the artwork is a masterful display of van Schrieck's talent for incorporating fine details and his unique approach to capturing the essence of still life.This painting plunges the viewer into a dark forest scene, illuminated subtly to highlight the teeming life on the forest floor. The main focus is on the intricate interaction between various creatures that inhabit the undergrowth. A striking serpent weaves through the center of the composition, its scales rendered with meticulous attention to texture and light. Surrounding the snake are several lizards, each painted with precise detail, their forms blending seamlessly into the shadowy backdrop yet distinct in their presence.Butterflies and other insects float and settle within the scene, their delicate wings contrasting with the darker tones of the forest. These elements not only add a touch of lightness to the painting but also underscore the diverse ecosystem captured by van Schrieck. The artist's use of light is particularly noteworthy, casting a luminous glow that draws the eye and accentuates the organic forms.This painting epitomizes van Schrieck's genre known as 'sottobosco' or 'forest floor', focusing on wild nature and creating a microcosm that invites viewers to ponder the complexity and beauty of life hidden in shadowy places. It serves as a reminder of the intricate and often unseen life that thrives just beneath our feet, in the dark and fertile earth of the wilderness.


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Otto Marseus van Schrieck buvo Nyderlandų aukso amžiaus tapytojas. Jis geriausiai žinomas dėl miško floros ir faunos paveikslų.

Marseusas van Schrieckas 1652–1657 m. praleido Romoje ir Florencijoje su dailininkais Matthias Withoos bei Willem van Aelst ir ten prisijungė prie Nyderlandų menininkų gildijos. Vėliau dirbo Toskanos didžiojo kunigaikščio dvare, keliavo po Angliją ir Prancūziją, po to apsigyveno Amsterdame.