Spiegelpauw (1759 - 1842)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: Spiegelpauw (1759 - 1842)Artist: Pieter Pietersz. Barbiers"Spiegelpauw" by Pieter Pietersz. Barbiers is an exquisite example of 18th-century naturalistic painting, capturing the elegance and vibrant detail of a peacock. This artwork delicately portrays the bird in profile, masterfully rendered to highlight the intricate patterns and striking colors of its plumage. The peacock stands majestically, its head turned slightly towards the viewer, lending a serene yet alert presence to its demeanor.Barbiers' attention to detail is evident in the careful delineation of each feather, particularly in the elaborate "eye" patterns adorning the peacock's tail, which are brought to life with hues of blue and hints of purple set against a speckled golden background. The artist's skill in using light and shadow not only enhances the three-dimensional quality of the bird but also emphasizes the texture of its feathers and the rugged terrain underfoot.This painting not only showcases Barbiers’ prowess in depicting wildlife with scientific accuracy and artistic finesse but also serves as a captivating visual study of one of nature's most splendid creatures. It is an art piece that continues to draw admiration for its beauty and meticulous execution, making it a cherished part of any collection.


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Pieter Pietersz Barbiers (taip pat Pieter Barbiers Pzn. arba Pieter Barbiers II) buvo XIX a. tapytojas iš Šiaurės Nyderlandų.