Poster for the Lembrée Gallery (1897)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Welcome to a captivating exploration of Theo van Rysselberghe's "Poster for the Lembrée Gallery" from 1897. This eloquent piece serves as a perfect embodiment of Art Nouveau aesthetics, celebrated for its stylistic curves and vibrant colors.In the poster, a figure stands in an elegantly simple space, engrossed in viewing a portfolio of art. The individual is depicted in profile, showcasing an ornate outfit in shades of deep orange and adorned with an eye-catching ruffled collar and stylish hat festooned with a floral arrangement. The fashion reflects the late 19th century's elegance, emphasizing the period's characteristic artistic flair.The background and surroundings are defined by clean, bold lines and soft color blockings that are typical of the Art Nouveau movement. To the left, an interesting telephone and intercom device is displayed beside text advertising the Gallery's framing and art service offerings. Meanwhile, the text at the bottom proudly presents the gallery's name and address in Brussels, accentuated by simple yet effective typographic design.The entire composition celebrates both the art it advertises and the modern design sentiments of the era. This poster not only served as an advertisement but also as a piece of art in itself, encouraging viewers to appreciate the beauty in everyday objects and settings.This work is a testament to van Rysselberghe’s skill in graphic arts, aligning artistic promotion with aesthetic innovation—a visual treat that transports the viewer to the heart of Brussels's thriving art scene at the turn of the century.


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Théophile "Théo" van Rysselberghe buvo belgų tapytojas neoimpresionistas, suvaidinęs pagrindinį vaidmenį Europos meno scenoje XX amžiaus sandūroje.

Gimęs Gente prancūziškai kalbančioje buržuazinėje šeimoje, jis iš pradžių studijavo Gento akademijoje pas Theo Canneelį, o nuo 1879 m. – Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts Briuselyje, vadovaujamas Jeano-François Portaelso.