Zonsopgang boven een meer (1927)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Zonsopgang boven een meer" by Lucien PissarroExploring the serene beauty of dawn, "Zonsopgang boven een meer" (Sunrise over a Lake) by Lucien Pissarro, created in 1927, captures a tranquil moment in nature with masterful simplicity and emotive detail. This woodcut print represents a scene of exquisite calm as the first rays of the sun pierce through a dense collection of clouds, casting light over a quiet, reflective lake.In the foreground, a rustic wooden fence subtly introduces the viewer to the lakeside setting. Beyond the fence unfolds a glassy body of water, interrupted only by the gentle ripples around a solitary boat, hinting at the presence of early morning fishermen or a lone rower pausing to enjoy the break of day. The far shore is lined with silhouette-like trees and foliage, against which the morning light plays, creating a dance between shadow and illumination.Lucien Pissarro's composition uses strong, expressive lines to define the forms and textures within the scene, from the intricate reflections on the water to the delicate radiance of the sun's rays diffusing through the clouds. Each element in this print is carefully crafted to evoke a sense of peace and a deep appreciation for fleeting moments of natural beauty. This work is not only a testament to Pissarro's skills as a printmaker but also an invitation to pause and reflect on the quiet majesty of the natural world at dawn.


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Lucien Pissarro buvo kraštovaizdžio tapytojas, grafikos kūrėjas, medžio gravierius ir puikių knygų dizaineris bei spaustuvininkas. Jo peizažinėje tapyboje naudojamos impresionizmo ir neoimpresionizmo technikos.