Serpent eaters (Les mangeurs des serpents) (1894)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Serpent Eaters" (Les mangeurs de serpents) is a compelling visual narrative painted in 1894 by French artist Paul Sérusier, a prominent figure in the post-impressionist movement and a pioneer of the Nabis artistic group. This haunting painting delves into themes of folklore and mysticism, inviting viewers into a darkly enchanting forest scene.In the artwork, a group of four individuals engages in the enigmatic act of handling serpents. A young woman on the left is shown calmly holding a snake by its neck, suggesting a sense of control or familiarity with these creatures. She also carries a vibrant red jar, which might imply purposes beyond mere holding, perhaps related to a ritual. Next to her, an older woman, huddled and potentially wary or scared, observes intently. Accompanying them is an elderly man whose expression and posture suggest fascination or concern, as he leans forward with an attentive gaze. Completing the group, another young woman sits, her pose reflective, as if lost in thought or subdued by the serpent’s presence.The autumnal setting is rendered with a palette of rich earth tones, deep reds, and muted greens, reinforcing the painting's mystical and timeless quality. Sérusier's use of flat planes and bold outlines echoes the symbolic intensity of the subject, guiding the observer to ponder the narrative’s deeper meanings—perhaps touching on themes of life, death, and the primal instincts within human nature."Serpent Eaters" is more than just an exploration of an unusual practice; it's a profound meditation on human interaction with nature's more mysterious sides, encapsulated in a moment that balances between tranquility and latent danger. This painting invites us to reflect on the blend of fear and fascination that snakes have historically embodied in human culture.


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Paul Sérusier buvo prancūzų tapytojas, abstrakčiojo meno pradininkas ir avangardinio Nabis judėjimo, sintetizmo ir kloisonizmo įkvėpėjas.

Sérusier gimė Paryžiuje. Jis studijavo Juliano akademijoje ir 1880-ųjų viduryje dirbo ten stebėtoju.