Self-Portrait (1939)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Walter Kurt Wiemken's "Self-Portrait (1939)" casts a spell of introspective allure and haunting mystique. In this evocative creation, the artist portrays himself in a simple yet striking outdoor setting. Dressed in a green overcoat and matching broad-brimmed hat, Wiemken stands foregrounded against a desolate winter landscape. His face, the focal point of the work, reveals a penetrating gaze that seems to both challenge and invite the viewer into the depths of his thought process.The background is layered with sparse, leafless trees that fade into a misty, undefined horizon. Subtle blue arcs and a solitary red dot amidst the barren branches evoke a sense of surreal, dream-like quality. The choice of a restrained color palette, primarily shades of muted greens, grays, and blues, complements the overall somber and reflective mood of the painting."Self-Portrait (1939)" is a testament to Wiemken’s skillful use of expressionism – distorting reality to evoke emotional truths. It captures not just the artist’s likeness, but his essence at a moment in time, reflecting his inner emotions and the bleakness of the landscape around him. This painting is a luminous example of personal exploration through art, making viewers ponder the world through Wiemken's introspective eyes.


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Walteris Kurtas Wiemkenas buvo šveicarų tapytojas.

Walteris Kurtas Wiemkenas gimė 1907 m. Bazelyje vokiečiams tėvams, 1898 m. įgijusiems Šveicarijos pilietybę. Būdamas keturių mėnesių jis sunkiai susirgo poliomielitu, dėl kurio tapo neįgalus visam gyvenimui. Iki mirties gyveno tėvų namuose, čia taip pat įkūrė savo dailės studiją. Jo tėvas turėjo litografijos verslą.