Caresse – moi danc, chéri (1902)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Caresse – moi donc, chéri" (Caress me then, darling) by Auguste Rodin (1902)"Caresse – moi donc, chéri" is a captivating drawing by the legendary French sculptor and artist Auguste Rodin, dated 1902. This artwork diverges from Rodin's renowned sculptural works, showcasing his skill and sensitivity in the medium of drawing. The piece features a sensuous depiction of a female figure, seen from behind in a pose that is both delicate and expressive.The woman in the drawing, rendered with minimal lines, stands gracefully with her arms lifted and her head gently tilted, as if caught in a moment of serene movement or dance. The subtlety of the lines emphasizes the contours of her body, highlighting a form that is both robust and sublime. The drawing is embellished with pale color washes that lend a tender warmth to the figure, enhancing the intimate feel of the piece.Rodin's expertise in understanding human anatomy and emotion is evident in this piece. The simplicity and elegance of his technique draws a direct line to the emotive power of his sculptures. "Caresse – moi donc, chéri" invites viewers into a quiet, personal moment, reflecting the artist's deep appreciation for not only the human form but also the human experience.This artwork is a wonderful example of Rodin's artistic range and his ability to capture fleeting moments of tenderness and beauty, making it a cherished piece within his oeuvre.


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Rodinas gimė neturtingoje šeimoje. Užsidirbęs pragyvenimui gamindamas dekoratyvinius akmens dirbinius, įstojo į dailės mokyklą. Tada jis pritaikė amatininko požiūrį į savo darbą ir modeliavo žmogaus kūną su natūralizmu, kuris vėliau tapo jo unikaliu stiliumi. Laikomas moderniosios skulptūros įkūrėju, originaliuose Rodino darbuose vyrauja figūrinė skulptūra iš tradicinių mitologijos ir alegorijos temų, nes autorius pabrėžė individualų žmogaus kūniškumą.