Pintura constructiva (1928)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: "Pintura constructiva" (1928) by Joaquín Torres-García"Pintura constructiva" is a captivating work by the prominent Uruguayan artist Joaquín Torres-García. Painted in 1928, this piece exemplifies the unique blend of abstract and figurative elements that define much of Torres-García's influential work, particularly during his European period.The painting showcases a seemingly urban landscape composed of rudimentary, abstracted shapes and structures that suggest buildings and architectural elements. The canvas is divided into sections of earthy tones, predominantly grays and browns, setting a somber, almost industrial atmosphere. Amidst these geometric forms, one discerns outlines and symbols that hint at ladders, windows, and even simplistic human figures, which add a touch of narrative and life to the composition.A defining feature of this artwork is the inclusion of words like "MEUBLES" and "BOULANG," French for "furniture" and "baker," respectively. These inscriptions not only root the artwork in a real-world context but also add a layer of textual intrigue that invites viewers to ponder the relationship between language, symbols, and the urban environment."Pintura constructiva" is a thought-provoking piece that demonstrates Torres-García’s mastery in merging classical and avant-garde elements, making it a standout representation of early 20th-century modernist art. This painting not only reflects the innovation of its time but also offers insights into the evolving urban sensibilities of the early modern era, making it an important work for both historical and aesthetic appreciation.


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Joaquín Torres García buvo Urugvajaus / Ispanijos menininkas. Jis gimė 1874 m. liepos 28 d. Montevidėjuje, Urugvajuje. Paauglystėje emigravo į Kataloniją, Ispaniją, kur 1891 m. pradėjo savo menininko karjerą. 

 Vadinamas „Renesanso arba universalus žmogus“; tapytojas, skulptorius, freskos meistras, romanistas, rašytojas, mokytojas ir teoretikas.